we offer:





24 hour coverage of Dietitians available via phone or fax.


Continuous Dietitian coverage 52 weeks a year.


Dietitian's direct involvement and presence at the facility during yearly goverment regulatory surveys.


Adititonal oversight of the Dietary department by professionals.


We also provide assistance recruiting CDM's or Diet Tech at no extra cost to our clients.


"We strive to deliver a personable care to our customer base and a loving and respectful treatment to their clients while providing the best level of quality of service possible".


Long Term Care Nutrition

Consulting Dietitians




Temporary Placement:

Contract for Temporary Placement:

Facilities in need for interim coverage for dietary managers, dietetic technicians, CDM's and Dietitians. We can assist you by providing qualified individuals to cover on a temporary or permanent basis. Please contact Us at: LTC contact form.